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School Council

Squirrel Hayes School Council

What is the School Council?

The School Council is a group of learners elected by their classmates to represent the opinions of the learners at Squirrel Hayes First School and raise issues with the Headteacher.  At Squirrel Hayes, we have two School Council representatives from each class who meet at least once a term. Our School Councillors are also involved in school projects and are able to share their ideas for future projects and also contribute to things such as the School Development Plan.

An effective School Council represents all learners, taking time to listen to as many people as possible, with councillors feeding back to their classes after each School Council meeting. The School Council will be able to initiate change and make things happen – or be able to explain to their class why something can’t be changed!

Why do we need a School Council?

For many years, it was thought that because adults are older and have experience and qualifications, they were the best people to make all the decisions about children.

However, adults didn’t always make the right decisions, often because they hadn’t talked with the children about the issue so didn’t know how the children felt or what the children wanted to do about it.

All the countries of the world got together and agreed that children must be given rights, so the Government decided that adults must listen to children before making a decision about them - children often have better ideas than adults anyway!

Our learners are important to us and we want to listen to their voice.