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We are now working in partnership with ‘VIP Education’ who are an organization that are working with school to support attendance, punctuality and welfare needs. A separate letter was sent home yesterday providing more detail of their service. If you feel you need support with any of these areas, please contact the school office or Mrs. Oakes (Home-School-Links Worker) so that we can contact VIP Education on your behalf. Some children are currently arriving to school late. Although we appreciate that the start of the day can often be a very busy time for many people, it is vital that your child/children arrive at school promptly at 08:45am for the start of their school day. Lateness results in them missing key learning interventions and important parts of their learning.


Welcome to VIP letter - 

Attendance Tracking Update Letter 2024

Here at Squirrel Hayes First School we expect all of our learners to try their very best to attend school every day.  Children who do not attend school regularly are much more likely to leave school with few or no qualifications and they are much more likely to be drawn into crime and anti-social behaviour. 


Children who attend school regularly achieve and succeed!


As part of the Biddulph Schools Partnership Trust, we have an agreed colour coded system to help track and promote good attendance of all our learners.  Evidence shows that attendance does affect a child's learning and attainment.  As a result, all learners should aim to have an attendance percentage that falls into the GREEN colour band.  Please see attendance colour bands below:-


96.5% - 100%


If you are in the Green group you have been absent for less than two weeks in the whole year or you may have attended school every day.




90.1% - 96.4%


If you are in the Yellow group, you could be missing more than two weeks of learning.




90% or below


You are now a Persistent Absence Pupil and are missing more than 6 weeks of learning in the school year.


Illness/Absence Procedure


It is vitally important that you contact school as soon as you know that your child will be staying at home due to illness or any other circumstances.




  • If we have not heard from you by 10am, we will contact you via telephone call and/or text messaging.


  • If we haven’t heard from you, a letter giving you 48 hours to respond will be sent.


  • If you do not provide us with a reason to why your child was absent then their time away from school will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.



Therefore any changes in your contact

Details must be updated at the school office please.


Attendance is monitored closely by Mrs Oakes our Home School Link Worker and the Educational Welfare Worker(EWW).


Attendance below our school target of 96.5% will be investigated. Following investigation, any unresolved issues or attendance percentages of less than 90% could result in parents receiving a FINE.


Appointments Procedure Reminder


We understand that hospital, dental or agency appointments may require your child to attend during school hours. Please bring a copy of your appointment letter/card to school in order to place a copy on your child’s school file.


We advise where possible to make appointments before or after school hours to ensure that your child’s attendance and learning is not affected.