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Tolerance of those of different Faiths & Beliefs​​​​​​​

British Value Statement



Our learners are actively encouraged to appreciate and celebrate diversity. Learners are supported through the school’s SMSC curriculum to understand their place in a culturally diverse society and school community.

Learners are taught to respect themselves, family, friends, and other groups; the world and its people; and the environment.

We strive to ensure that learners leave with a strong foundation of values upon which to build a successful life and make a successful contribution to a very diverse society.

*Learners understand their place in a very diverse society through ‘creative curriculum’ topic work and RE units of study.

* Learners work in partnership with others within the ‘Biddulph Partnership Trust’, participating in annual ‘Faith in Focus/Diversity’ enrichment weeks.

*learners are actively encouraged to share their own faith and beliefs within school and celebrate different festivals throughout the calendar year.

*Learners benefit from educational visits and visitors, including students from other cultures.

*Diversity is a key ‘curriculum driver’ which underpins the school’s ‘creative curriculum’. This promotes the celebration and exploration of difference and how this fits into todays every changing society.

Learners are able to talk about the importance of diversity within our society. They have knowledge of different faiths and cultures and ask questions and show tolerance and respect for others beliefs.

Learners understand that other people can have different faiths or beliefs and that these should not be the cause of prejudice or discriminatory behaviour.

Learners embody the school’s philosophy that ‘everyone and every child matters’.