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The Rule of Law​​​​​​​

British Value Statement



Our learners understand the importance of laws, whether they govern the class, the school or the country. They are taught the expectations and rules of the school and the principles behind such rules/laws which govern and protect them. Learners appreciate their responsibility in following the rules and that consequences must be faced when laws and rules are broken.

*School and class Rules for ‘behaviour’ and ‘behaviour for learning’ are promoted and consistently applied across the school.

*School rules reinforce that every action has a consequence in order to govern and protect the school’s learning community.

*Curriculum topics provide purposeful opportunities for learners to debate and discuss laws/rules and their application within different societies.

*Discussion of values with RE lessons and collective worship shows that different religions have guiding principles.

*Learners are familiar with the Local Community Police who regularly visit to talk to them informally.

*Educational visits to the local Council Chambers or Fire Station provide ‘real life’ experience of why rules and laws are important in the community and wider UK.

*Learners have access to ‘My Challenge Club’ to support them in appreciating the need to follow rules and operate within shared boundaries.



Learners are able to articulate how and why they need to behave in school and the local/wider community. They demonstrate their ability to abide by the school’s rules and understand that every choice they make has an associated consequence.


Learners know that they have rights but with such rights comes an individual and joint responsibility.


Learners value the importance of discussion and debate in considering philosophical issues and show an appreciation of why laws and rules are required within society.